The first DefInSpace Hackathon in Bulgaria proudly sponsored by TBS Ltd. was a huge success. The hackathon is initiated by the French Space Command in France (Commandement de l’Espace) and organized by the French Aerospace Cluster “Aerospace Valley”. The 2022 edition took place in 8 European cities in parallel. The Bulgarian edition was organized the Risk Space Transfer – Technology Transfer Office, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences within in the frame of the International Defence Equipment and Services Exhibition HEMUS 2022, Plovdiv, Bulgaria. DefInSpace Bulgaria 2022 was the biggest in terms of participants with 45 competitors distributed among 11 teams.
The first place deservedly went to Delta V Team from cadets from the Bulgarian Air Force Academy “Georgi Benkovski”. The prize for the winners is participation in the finals in Paris on 28 June 2022. The travel to Paris for the participation in these finals is provided by TBS Ltd.
The support for the DefInSpace Bulgaria 2022 Hackathon marks yet another major step towards the future of defence in space, which is the mission of the newly formed TBS SAT venture.
We are certain that the team of the Bulgarian Air Force Academy will make us proud also in Paris. The TBS team wishes them success and expects them back in Bulgaria as winners.